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Did You Know?
Between 2003 and 2008, 11 Road Workers were killed and 104 seriously injured
on Motorways and Major Routes in England.
SOURCE: Highways Agency
2007 showed 80% of Road Workers were physically or mentally absused
by motorists.
SOURCE: RAC Foundation
It takes 13 seconds to drive 1/4 mile at 70mph or 18 seconds to cover the same
distance at 50mph. An extra 5 seconds can save someone's life.
SOURCE: RoWSAF News October 2014
Close Calls
"This highlights the importance of the Intellicone system having been deployed
correctly and it may just be on this occasion that the system sent all the
contractors home safely to their families."
SOURCE: A14 Kettering Road Resurfacing Case Study
"Thanks to the Safelane system, the Crews had just enough time to turn around and see the
truck speeding towards them. As they safely moved out of the way, the truck smashed
through the second ‘holding barrier’ sending the plastic barriers, cones and
signs towards the Crews."
SOURCE: M25 Incursion Warning Airlock Entry Breach Case Study
"There was a saving of approx. £1200 after the hire cost of the equipment
opposed to the vehicles and labour."
SOURCE: Chevron TM, M56 Thorley Lane Bridge Replacement (Balfour Beatty)
Realising Savings
"When we first looked at the A46 Hartley Bends scheme for Skanska in Area 2 we were looking at using up to 18 gatemen and around 9 vehicles to control the access points that run along the A46, with the assistance of the Intellicone Safelane we were able to reduce this to 8 men and 4 vehicle"
SOURCE: HW Martin, A46 Hartley Bends (Skanska Area 2)
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