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Safelane assists daytime roadworks

"The work crews feel safer on site thanks to the Safelane system, as they know that there are some drivers who just don’t care!"

Ringway Infrastructure Services have deployed the Intellicone Safelane equipment to help improve their safety protocols during the resurfacing works on the B 1261, Crossgates to Musham Bank. The works were carried out during the daytime on a busy B-road that cuts through a residential area.

As such, Intellicone enabled full road closures were required to prevent access from the A64 and from the housing estate. Access to site was through a manned chicane, where an R-Series PSA was placed, which included a CCTV camera, both to be activated by the operatives Panic Alarm.

If the full closures or the access points were breached by an errant vehicle, the strategically placed Crew Alarms would be instantly activated allowing the works crews to seek safety.

’When the Alarm goes off, it really makes you look around. I can even hear through my ear defenders.”- Coneworx TM

‘’It ‘s easy to use, easy to set up’’.- Coneworx TM

“I’m keen on it, it has done just what we wanted it to do”. - Area Agent, Ringway Infrastructure Services

‘’It’s been no bother, even in the high winds’’.- Coneworx TM

‘’I like the way the Panic Button works at the access point’’.- Coneworx TM

‘’We had to changes plans slightly and the kit adapted to suit’’.- Coneworx TM

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