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Efficient Safety on the A46

Between 12 May 2016 and 9 June 2016, High friction surfacing (HFS) was laid on a one kilometre stretch of the A46 near Bath. HW Martin was responsible for the temporary traffic management deployed during this scheme on behalf of Highways England Area 2 (operated by Skanska). As part of HW Martin’s drive to continuously improve safety and operational efficiency they investigated the use of the Intellicone® Safelane system as a means to reduce the impact of incursions into the closure whilst minimising resource requirements.

"When we first looked at the A46 Hartley Bends scheme for Skanska in Area 2 we were looking at using up to 18 gatemen and around 9 vehicles to control the access points that run along the A46, with the assistance of Intellicone Safelane we were able to reduce this to 8 men and 4 vehicles" - Sam Clarke (Contracts Coordinator, HW Martin).

HW Martin used the Safelane system which enables Traffic Management Operatives to instantly warn the workforce of an incursion without any limitation in distance. At the same time, electronically alarmed closure points remove operatives from potential conflict areas.

“All of the equipment was easy to use and could be kept in a small contained space, charging was never a problem and all systems were self-explanatory when charging and installing".

“I have had excellent feedback from the crews on site as they were made aware of any gate breaches before the vehicle reached their check point, this also made a safe working environment for the contractors as the alarm would give them warning to remove personnel from the carriageway in the case of an emergency. The alarm for the contractors would only sound if the panic button was pressed at the last check point, thus allowing the TM Foreman not to disturb the workforce unless it was absolutely necessary”.

“Skanska carried out a drive through on the scheme and recorded all the check points whilst they were in operation. All parties were very happy with the outcome of the scheme and were very impressed with the equipment which was used and how it had been developed to suit the individual scheme”. Sam Clarke (Contracts Coordinator, HW Martin).

“HW Martin have been very pro-active and helpful in deploying the Safelane equipment on the A46 scheme in Area 2. They made key staff available for training to ensure that the deployment would be as smooth as possible” - Dale Courtman (Highway Resource Solutions)

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